Contact Us

Office 307, Apex Atrium
Motor City, Dubai
Unfortunately, at this time, we don't have any job vacancies.

Tel: +971.56.228.1400
Tel: 04.430.8500
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Smart Heights / Landlord / 3,500 sq ft / 5 weeks
Vast Vogue - Smart Heights TECOM

Consult and Design
Vast Vogue Studio offers photography and Fashion consultancy services for the fashion industry.
They have continued to grow rapidly since expansion into the MENA AREA in 2017, the firm soon grew out of its existing workspace. Vast Vogue required a modern space where their design teams could be more creative. And also, a space where they could offer clients a photography studio to shoot their fashion brands.
Janat carried out extensive employee surveys and a series of workshops with key members and their investors to understand their needs prior the design stage.
Manage and build
Our main brief was to create a suitably dynamic, inspiring and collaborative workspace by merging two shell and core office in the Smart Heights Building in TECOM. The previous workspace had been cramped, bland and unimaginative, the complete opposite of the ethos of the company. We established that the client studio location would be the most seen and used area. We designed this area by providing a separate room where models could change and have their hair and make up styled. We also built up the floor within the photography studio so that the lighting would reflect of the curved floor to make editing photographs easier. We added color into the meeting rooms and supplied retro breakout and meeting furniture to create a flexible, vibrant hub where interaction with clients become second nature and a true sense of a studio could be nurtured.

The New Space
The final space is open plan but with client-facing meeting rooms and design studios, a front-of-house café breakout hub for clients and staff, as well as a dress cutting room. We added an open ceiling in the entire area of the new office to create a loft/warehouse vibe.
A new exposed HVAC system was added including damper automatic controls. The end result was a far more creative and spacious working environment. Vast Vogues new designed office, was a space where they could invite clients to and be proud of, resulting in a perfect studio cultural and brand fit.

Contact Us

Office 307, Apex Atrium
Motor City, Dubai

Tel: +971.56.228.1400
Tel: 04.430.8500
Unfortunately, at this time, we don't have any job vacancies.